
to whom tiz may concern..

i certainly know tat i've been repeating tiz line..but hey! just wanna say THANK YOU for everything. XD
i know you are xoo busy wit the demanding life you endure but then..i really appreciate yar presence..you've been a good mentor. yar ears are open when i needed someone to listen..when i needed company, you didnt fail to show me what it is to be wit yar bitch grrlfriend..the times i cried, you've been a very thick handkerchief..you showed me what it is to hug Hardrock or Cartman's pillow when i needed someone to wrap me. you were there to give me encouraging words..ya'r the only person who appreciates && accepts my being psycho. you've been my RIGHT hand when i cant handle things anymore..wit you, i knew i have a hand to spare..hummm
there's just xooo much things tat i wanna thank for! ♥
you know, i really appreciate everything..you've been a token to my happiness. i dont think i can ever repay you..but if there's any way i could, i would. ü

i dont actually know if you knew what our friendship is to me. but without you..i would never been able to see tat life goes on everyday..although some days i would rather have been far away.

hummm..thank you. thank you. thank y'all!
you will always be my BITCH grrlfriendsss i would remember the BEST. ü

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